Fostering Psychological Safety with The Fearless Organization Scan

Dr. Amy Edmondson's profound words underscore the essence of knowledge work: a workplace where individuals feel empowered to share their insights, concerns, and even their mistakes. At TRUCE Solutions, we recognize the pivotal role of psychological safety in cultivating thriving teams and organizations.

Understanding Psychological Safety

Based on Dr. Edmondson's groundbreaking research at Harvard Business School, The Fearless Organization Scan measures the level of psychological safety within teams. It evaluates the degree of interpersonal comfort, enabling teams to identify barriers that hinder growth and performance, such as the reluctance to voice concerns or challenge existing norms.

Creating a Culture of Belonging

Our work is rooted in the belief that diversity flourishes in environments where individuals feel a sense of belonging. By fostering psychological safety, we lay the foundation for inclusive teams where diverse perspectives are valued and embraced.

Addressing Contemporary Challenges

In today's volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) world, compounded by the shift to remote work post-pandemic, organizations face unprecedented challenges. Many struggle with issues of belonging, connection, and retention. The Fearless Organization Scan helps pinpoint areas for improvement, guiding organizations in nurturing a culture of belonging and connection, even in remote settings.

Overcoming Hierarchical Barriers

Traditional hierarchical structures often perpetuate a culture of deference to authority, stifling collaboration and candor. As leaders, we understand the importance of fostering an environment where collaboration thrives and candor is valued. The Fearless Organization Scan equips leaders with insights to dismantle hierarchical barriers, creating a climate of openness where individuals feel safe to bring their best selves forward.

Empowering Your Teams

Ready to cultivate a culture of psychological safety and empowerment within your organization? Partner with TRUCE Solutions and leverage The Fearless Organization Scan to unlock the full potential of your teams.

Start Your Journey

Contact us today to learn more about how The Fearless Organization Scan can help your organization foster psychological safety, drive collaboration, and achieve sustainable growth.

This team assessment comes with three team building debriefs or as a part of an offsite retreat. Ideal for teams wanting to focus on psychological safety as a part of their culture. Contact to inquire on how this can be customized for your team’s needs.


Only consultants that are certified with this assessment can be partnered with you.