Building Relational Intelligence in Teams

Unlocking Relationships with SDI® 2.0

At TRUCE Solutions, we believe that understanding WHY we behave and HOW we relate to each other is paramount in fostering effective leadership and team dynamics. That's why we leverage the Strengths Deployment Inventory (SDI®) 2.0, a powerful tool that delves into Relationship Intelligence (RQ), providing a common language for understanding what's truly important and enhancing dialogue within teams.

The Power of Motives

With a primary focus on Motives, the SDI® 2.0 facilitates a critical connection to a fundamental leadership skill - the "art of influence." By grasping what drives individuals, it becomes easier to communicate with and influence them effectively. This insight empowers leaders to choose the most suitable approach for engaging people whose thinking and behavior may differ significantly from their own.

Ideal for Teams

The SDI® 2.0 is particularly beneficial for teams seeking deeper insights into their drivers, strengths, and approaches to conflict. By uncovering these dynamics, teams can foster better collaboration, resolve conflicts constructively, and leverage their diverse perspectives for greater success.

Your Path to Enhanced Relationships

Ready to unlock the full potential of your team's relationships? Partner with TRUCE Solutions and harness the transformative power of the SDI® 2.0. Gain invaluable insights into your team's dynamics and propel your organization towards greater cohesion and success.

Get Started Today

Contact us to learn more about how the SDI® 2.0 can revolutionize your team's dynamics and propel your organization to new heights of success.

This assessment comes with both individual (optional) and team building debriefs. Ideal for intact teams. Contact to inquire on how this can be customized for your team’s needs.


Only consultants that are certified with this assessment can be partnered with you.